Lunar eclipses are safe to see with the naked eye. All you need to know. Share Via. By hindustantimes. All you need to know: The total eclipse of the moon takes place at full moon when the Sun, the Earth and Moon are parallel to each other forming a line. Also read: Germany to consider spending more to meet climate targets Time and Date suggests that the magnitude of the eclipse is 1. Topics lunar eclipse total lunar eclipse.
Get our Daily News Capsule Subscribe. Thank you for subscribing to our Daily News Capsule newsletter. Not all colors in the light spectrum, however, are equally scattered.
Colors with shorter wavelengths, especially the violet and blue colors, are scattered more strongly, so they are removed from the sunlight before it hits the surface of the Moon during a lunar eclipse. Those with longer wavelengths, like red and orange, pass through the atmosphere. This red-orange light is then bent or refracted around Earth, hitting the surface of the Moon and giving it the reddish-orange glow that total lunar eclipses are famous for. Earth's three shadows. Veteran eclipse watchers will tell you that if you look really hard right at the beginning and just before the end of totality, you may detect a light blue or turquoise band on the Moon's face see image.
This happens because the Earth's Ozone layer scatters red light and lets through some of the blue light that is otherwise filtered out by other layers of the atmosphere. The Moon can take on different shades of red, orange, or gold during a total lunar eclipse, depending on the conditions of the Earth's atmosphere at the time of the eclipse. The amount of dust particles, water droplets, clouds, and mist can all have an effect on the shade of red.
He then beached his last two on Jamaica on June 25, The natives welcomed the castaways and fed them. But after six months, Columbus' crew mutinied, and robbed and murdered some of the Jamaicans, who had grown weary of feeding the crew.
Columbus had an almanac that foretold a lunar eclipse on Feb. He met the local chief, and told him the Christian god was angry with his people for no longer supplying food. Columbus said to expect a sign of God's displeasure three nights later, when he would make the full moon appear "inflamed with wrath.
Just before the total phase of the eclipse was about to end, Columbus said God had pardoned the natives and would bring the moon back. The crew was well fed until help arrived in November and Columbus and his men sailed back to Spain. Lunar eclipses are among the easiest skywatching events to observe. Simply go out, look up and enjoy. You don't need a telescope or any other special equipment. However, binoculars or a small telescope will bring out details in the lunar surface — moonwatching is as interesting during an eclipse as anytime.
If the eclipse occurs during winter, bundle up if you plan to be out for the duration — an eclipse can take a couple hours to unfold. Bring warm drinks and blankets or chairs for comfort. If you want to photograph the next lunar eclipse, be sure to check out our guide by veteran astrophotographers Imelda Joson and Edwin Aguirre.
And anytime we see change in the skies it's always kind of exciting. Additional reporting by Nola Taylor Redd, Space. This article was updated on Oct. This refraction and scattering mean that only longer wavelengths of light reach the Moon and are reflected back to Earth. Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light, which gives the lunar eclipse its characteristic reddish colour. On Earth, we see the same effect during sunrises and sunsets, when the sky has a more reddish glow than during the day.
In total, the lunar eclipse will last a few hours. Read more: Blood moon: lunar eclipse myths from around the world. Unfortunately, in many places including the UK, the Moon will be below the horizon.