Using information available about the many chemical compounds responsible for giving different foods their distinctive smells and tastes, the authors created a flavor network , with foods linked by their shared flavor compounds, e.
A different kind of food web, a flavor network. Each node denotes an ingredient color indicates food category , and the node size reflects the prevalence of the ingredient in recipes. Two ingredients are connected if they share a significant number of flavor compounds, and the thickness of the line reflects the relative number of shared flavor compounds.
A and B , food flavor pyramids for North American and East Asian recipes, showing the 6 most authentic ingredients. Node size reflects abundance of ingredient in recipes, and the thickness of the link indicates the number of shared compounds. Note that North American cuisine has more ingredients with shared compounds. C , Shared, signature ingredient combinations by cuisine. They note that the average number of ingredients used in a recipe is around 8, and that the popularity of specific ingredients varies over four orders of magnitude!
Interestingly, North American and Western European cuisines exhibit a statistically significant tendency towards recipes whose ingredients share flavor compounds supporting the food-pairing hypothesis , whereas East Asian and Southern European cuisines avoid recipes whose ingredients share flavor compounds, which disputes the food-pairing hypothesis e.
The differences between regional cuisines can be reduced to a few key ingredients with specific flavors; for example, North American food heavily relies on dairy products, eggs, and wheat; while East Asian cuisine is dominated by plant derivatives like soy sauce, sesame oil, rice, and ginger.
These differences imply that these cooking styles are quantitatively different, and that the food-pairing hypothesis is not the grand unified food theory many had hoped. As a quasi-related challenge to the above food connectedness discussion, consider the incompatible food triad.
The incompatible food triad is a challenge to find 3 foods that are acceptable broadly defined when paired separately, but when combined together are terrible i. As important as it is to understand how things are connected, it is also important to understand how things are separated. If we assumed that the Hitler Wikipedia page is in a single strongly connected component, it would have a very high equilibrium page rank.
However, with the sheer number of pages that it is connected to, it is very unlikely that a single strongly connected component would exist, and thus there would not be an equilibrium. A similar approach can be taken with other historical events too: if the Wikipedia page is a strong authority, it probably was a very significant event or person. October 23, category: Uncategorized. Leave a Comment. Look of Category: X exists and add some cutoff based on number of links there.
Obviously also lists. There are several easy to reach pages without categories. Almost anyone alive during WW2 will have a WW2 link.
Almost every country is 1 degree from Hitler. AstralStorm on Feb 26, root parent next [—]. If you skip lists, it gets quite a bit harder.
Countries or places would need special handling yes, they make way too many links. My colleague saw me looking at this site, and I went through exactly the same thought process as you!