How long does virtual families last

Active Topics. Active Posts. Unanswered Posts. You are not logged in. Who's Online. Recent Posts. LDW Links. Newest Members. Forum Stats. Topic Options. Food-related jobs will work in the kitchen; office-related jobs will work on the office computers; and construction-related jobs will work in workshops you can build later in the game, and thus will not spawn in at the start of a new family.

Salary : How much money your character earns on a daily basis, along with how much money they have on hand. They will earn this money passively, as characters cannot lose their jobs as far as we can tell, though you can manually move them to their chosen work station to get more money, earning extra cash every hour they do more work.

Likes and Dislikes : What your character likes and does not like to do. These sections may be left blank, with children starting off with no likes and dislikes at all. While in the house, you can select a character by tapping on them and showing things like their age, their profession, their current mood, and their current activities.

Tapping on their icon brings up a more detailed menu which shows the following along with their previously mentioned stats:. Progress : How far they are to the next promotion. This bar goes up the more they work. Happiness : How happy they currently are, of course. Happier characters will do more activities.

Health : How close they are to an illness. Keep this high so you do not need to buy medicine as often. Illnesses can range from simple, under-the-weather cases to potentially fatal maladies.

Fed : Their hunger meter. Characters will head to the fridge to get a meal if this goes down enough, so remember to keep your fridge stocked. Your family will remind you if your food stores are low, though it does not hurt to see for yourself. Energy : If this meter falls down low enough, your characters will become exhausted and seek the nearest couch or bed to get some sleep. There appears to be arrows to the sides of their icon, presumably to cycle between family members. However, we have had trouble pressing them and either go to their detailed pages or simply exit our selections.

As a rule, your characters will do what they want to do, and while you can force them to do certain activities by manually dragging to them to your chosen location, you will get more mileage by encouraging or discouraging certain behaviors. At the top left of the screen are two buttons to praise or scold your characters for their actions, which in turn allows them to manage your house more efficiently while you are away.

For example, you can dedicate one character to working for extra money while another one cleans up the place. Characters may occasionally wish for certain things like room-related items or house upgrades, which will give you an idea on what you should purchase.

They may occasionally send you emails or make a call upon starting the game, telling you about their current problems. Any random events will fire when you start the game, indicated by the flashing email or phone icons on the right side of the screen. In that case, move a character to the computer or the phone, respectively, to see the event. Sometimes these events will make you lose money, while other times you will get a nice reward.

Gameplay more or less progresses in real time with no real option of speeding it up, aside from a time warp you can purchase from the Upgrades section of the store. As such, gameplay in Virtual Families 3 will consist mainly of telling your characters what activities need to be urgently done, and what they should and should not do. You will also have to leave the game for a bit and come back to see how far your family has come. The game does come with a small tutorial system when you visit different menus for the first time.

Naturally, moving into a house introduces its own list of problems, some of which we will list below:. You will have garbage to properly dispose of, unless your character wants ants roaming around in the kitchen.

There is a garbage can in the kitchen, which will eventually get full and have to be emptied outside. Also, a note on ants: your family will step on them to get rid of them but generally, you will not see an end to it. Dirty laundry is represented by the occasional sock lying about, though you will have to buy a washing machine and a suitable dryer separately.

In this life simulation game, help them choose a husband or wife and start their virtual family! We noticed they age by 1 year in hours Real-Time.

As far as we know, these ghosts are the spirits of people that die in that house — before you move in. Make babies and pass the house on to the kids!

Like living organisms, your virtual family is able to grow, age, and eventually, die. Death will eventually occur if your people make it through the elder stage.

Your little family will be aging a year every two hours real time. They normally will die in their 60's, occasionally in their late 50's. That means you could be starting a new generation about every 5 to 7 days, unless you adjust the time of your device, aging them rapidly. As soon as one of the adults die, you are allowed to start a new generation from the family screen. If you don't have any children in the first game, it will end.


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