What is the significance of the dismissal of jack lang

In the budget rapidly went from a surplus to a deficit greater than all the other Australian states put together. Accompanying this economic collapse, of course, was great social disruption and distress. Many struggled on part-time work, or depended on charity or the dole. For thousands, unemployment also meant eviction, with shanty towns of homeless people springing up in many areas.

It was a crisis that governments throughout the world did not seem to how to deal with. One result of disillusionment was the rapid growth of radical or extremist political organisations claiming to defend the interests that more and more people believed democratic institutions could not provide. The Lang Government and the Crisis Premier Jack Lang His radical plan for dealing with the Great Depression caused his downfall but for years afterwards loyal supporters claimed "Lang was right".

When the Nationalist-Country Party Coalition government of Thomas Bavin crumbled at the elections in the face of the Depression onslaught. Lang then refused to pay loan interest and the Commonwealth commenced legal action. The issue quickly now came to a head between the State and Commonwealth Governments with the new Federal Government regulating to take over NSW state taxes. Lang still refused to conform with the Commonwealth requirements, ordering State public servants to refuse to cooperate with the Commonwealth.

On 19 March, , Lang opened the Sydney Harbour Bridge although a member of the right-wing New Guard had managed to slash the ribbon ahead of him , but this great public show of hope and achievement was the last.

While hundreds of Bridge workers joined the ranks of the unemployed in NSW — now with the worst level of unemployment in Australia — Lang continued his unorthodox attempts to raise funds.

The Opposition Leader, Bertram Stevens, was appointed as Premier and an election was called which Stevens won decisively. The Changing Role of the Governor In the twentieth century, the State Governor of New South Wales had been generally regarded as a ceremonial role with some constitutional functions, though not active in executive government.

The other notable example of the use of these powers in Australia occurred in , when the Whitlam Federal Government was dismissed by the Governor-General. The length of this time varies and is determined by the community. Reuse of any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander material on this site may require cultural clearances. Users are advised to contact the source organisation to discuss appropriate reuse. His government was dismissed in his second term of government by the State Governor due to his defying the Commonwealth Government's financial agreements' legislation.

The author of this book is the daughter of the secretary to the Philip Game. Unlike Sir John Kerr who dismissed Prime Minister Whitlam in , Game expressed some uncertainty about whether his decision to sack Lang's government was sound: "In spite of the popular endorsement of my assassin's stroke, I am still wondering if I did right.

I still believe that Lang has a great deal of right on his side, that a lot of what he advocates will have come to pass, and that the extremists on the other side are a greater danger than extreme Labour. Book; pages. Front cover: blue and white background; photograph of Jack Lang, Sir Philip Game and one other; black lettering; author's name and title. Dust jacket. Report of the World Council of Churches team visit to Australia to assess the situation of Australian Aboriginals in History and activity of the National Civic Council an arm of the Democratic Labour Party and the unions who were aligned with it.

Relevant to trade unions and the political climate post ALP split in Contents page: 1. Black resistance 2. Convict revolt 3. Eureka uprising 4. Rebellion in the bush--the small farmers 5. The working class develops 6. Women, we were there 7. Same enemy, same fight--people of the world units! Yankee go home.

The Painters and Dockers union was registered in and deregistered in Significant to the history of unions and, in particular, the Painters and Dockers Union and some of their past officials. History of clothing trades unionism. An industry and union that have high female participation. The book charts the history of the union, including when women started to gain positions of power s. Significant to the history and growth of the Clothing and Allied Trades Union, and women's issues in employment and unions.

A steering committee formed and after much consultation in an incorporated association was formed. With strong community support the committee lobbied for and gained government funding. During Ballarat Hospice Care was recognised as a model for palliative care services. Service development continued leading to the purchase and refurbishment of Drummond St Sth, Ballarat with operations commencing in from that location.

Documents: 1. Steering Committee - apologies for not attending meeting and rates of pay for nurses Author: Alan Carless Date: n. Ballarat Hospice Care inc. Palliation Plus Program - letter to Graeme Shearer - invitation to first meeting of steering committee.

Author: Alan Carless Date: 20 October 9. Jobless muddle: Ballarat leaders say local survey closer to mark than Govt's 'drastic underestimate' 1b. Ballarat must change industry base: Shearer - Reliance on wool and wheat now redundant Paper: n.

Date: 14 November 3. Ballarat makes pleas to Hawke: Help us beat jobless problem 4b. Hand cuts migrant intake: Ballarat Trades Hall welcomes cut Paper: n. Date: 13 May 8. Date: 8 July Date: 26 June Date: 11 July Ballarat protest: rally against the Kennett Govt Paper: n. Date: 11 November Train services under threat, warns union [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: n. Shearer slams new WorkCare Paper: n.

Date: 5 November City shops leave Sunday to big stores [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 18 July Union dispute threat to Base [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 23 July Ballarat bakery fears price war Paper: n. Date: 28 June Date: 29 June Date: 15 September Black ban on bank [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 28 February Date: 11 May Date: 24 June Strike ends at John Valves [Ballarat] Paper: n.

Date: 21 June Unions need a better image: 'Future is linked to intensive education process' [Ballarat] Paper: n. Amcast to close: Up to will be made redundant [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 5 December Ronaldson hits out at union's 'fear campaign' [Ballarat] Paper: n. Reprieve for Amcast workers [Ballarat] Paper: n. Workers take levy protest to Traynor [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 10 December Unions plan on strong show [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 28 November Union rally to blast WorkCover [Ballarat] Paper: n.

Date: 17 July? Date: 1 December Protest at Lakeside stops work [Ballarat] Paper: n. Ballarat urged to fight Amcast closure Paper: n.

Date: 7 December Big crowd expected at deficit tax rally [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 12 December Church and union unite for protest [Ballarat] Paper: n. Date: 14 September Ballarat strike tomorrow Paper: n. Date: 15 December But he had no view of integrated improvement. His reading had been desultory.

His social ideas were meagre. But he was determined, tireless and ambitious, if more than a little suspicious, cautious and defensive. He liked walking and punctuality. He came to loathe gambling and affected a horror of elegant hotels. He was also secretary of the Newington Progress Association. He was associated with St Joseph's Hospital and took part in Catholic social life.

In he represented Newington Ward on the Auburn council and was mayor in By W. Holman 's great organizing was bringing suburban areas within the Labor Party's ambit and, after a conflict with G. Cann over pre-selection had been settled, Lang took the local seat of Granville in For a while Lang was out of his depth in parliament and revealed his chagrin and envy of Holman by unruly behaviour.

He was a good local member, exhibiting his habitual persistence, becoming a justice of the peace in He shrewdly waited on events in as the premier's difficulties with the party increased. From Lang had noted the resentment towards Holman of some trade unions, led by the Australian Workers' Union; he observed the opposition of organized 'industrialists' at the Labor conference, though he had little understanding of or sympathy with unions.

But he supported the conference's ban on conscription for overseas war service; the consequent mass expulsions, including Holman who formed a National ministry, enabled Lang to become caucus secretary in and whip in , favourable positions from which to judge the new groups contending for party power in the post-Holman era. Lang perceived the rising strength of trade union influence though it was riven by conflict between the A.

Bailey , and a divided extremist section in which A. Willis of the miners' federation and J. By Bailey had won, but he failed to control the parliamentary party — it comprised mainly middle-class reformists; Lang fitted in nicely, his ambition gradually tuning into the new factionalism.

Labor narrowly won the general election, held under proportional representation. Lang gained one of the Parramatta seats and became treasurer in the Storey ministry; he continued in office until the fall of the Dooley government in He failed to win the deputy leadership in Stressing his own rectitude, he managed the State's finances as he had his Auburn business.

The A. In Dooley defied the executive which replaced him with J. Lang distrusted the A. Loughlin 's support, sought Federal intervention. Overcoming his distaste for the Trades Hall, Lang found that he could attract devotees even there: two powerful moderates, E.

Magrath of the printers' union, and T. Tyrrell of the municipal workers', supported him and helped to keep Garden in check. With Willis's help Lang partially manipulated the conference, and he liked the experience. This was real power. Bailey was expelled, the A. In August caucus elected Lang as leader and Loughlin as his deputy. Lang knew that members of the Communist Party of Australia had infiltrated the Labor Party, and he was determined to eliminate them.

He was always implacably opposed to communism. But he also argued that 'Capitalism must go'. Conservative forces, already fearing him, responded with a constant attack linking Labor with revolution, even after communists were banned in Lang's abrasiveness and pugnacity increased with his new assurance.

He was irked by caucus restrictions and by had seen the opportunity of increasing his power by gaining the backing of conference and executive. He became a director of the Labor Daily , the party's official organ, founded by Willis's union. But his unsubtle deceit alienated many of his colleagues and in June he defeated Mutch, supported by the A. Willis, president, and Tyrrell, vice-president, of the party executive later went to Parliament House to rally caucus behind Lang.

Garden's 'Trades Hall Reds' also proved difficult for Lang. In a speech in June he promised a hour week, preference to unionists, and socialization of industry. Garden responded next month with a trade union conference which demanded Lang's expulsion.

Lang scorned it, was supported by Willis, and attacked Garden and other communists. Meanwhile, he continually scored against the government. The press, especially the Sydney Morning Herald , intensified its bitter campaign against him.

Nevertheless, he led Labor to a two-seat victory at the May general election. Lang became premier and treasurer. At once he forced the resignation of Sir B. Stevens , a senior officer of the Treasury, whose actions and politics had displeased him.

To the dismay of many Labor parliamentarians he quickly appointed Willis to the Legislative Council and ministry. Magrath, now president of the executive and Tyrrell, vice-president, were also put into the council. Lang increased his support from unionists, the party machine and branches as the government reinstated the transport strikers and restored the hour week. But he remained a loner and a hater. Nor was he a good administrator: cabinet work was unbalanced. Thanks to institutions like the AWU and an official arbitration system that mandated conciliation, by the turn of the twentieth century, the Australian working class was organized on largely nonsocialist lines.

However, Laborist institutions were by now so deeply implanted in the working class that the party was able to recover. This was the political context in which Jack Lang cut his teeth. Lang was born in Sydney in and became involved in the labor movement as a teenager. In , Labor formally adopted socialism as its objective.

However, the socialist upsurge soon ebbed as more conservative elements fought back. Lang was an energetic reformist, keen on social welfare and infrastructure programs. But he had lost the support of the majority of Labor MPs by To save his leadership, Lang appealed to the fragmented left, which now coalesced around him. He presented himself to party members and trade unionists as the defender of Labor values against backsliding politicians.

While this alliance between a racist populist and ALP socialists might have been an opportunistic move for both sides, it seemed to work.


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