What is the difference between create and formed

Preservation means that I don't even have to look at originals. It means that I believe that God used men to keep His Word alive, and in our hands. Inspiration of God to write the originals also is key. Anglagard: So people who believe in the literal and inerrent word of the Bible literally believe in something that does not exist? One in my home, one in my car, one at my church.

Yeah, it exists! Many of the English versions were greatly influenced by the KJV. And can you explain why we should be using a translation for this discussion when we are talking about subtle differences that cannot be reliably discerned in even the best possible translation?

You are not logged in. Originator Info. Thread Info. There was a thread recently, and I have been told that they are common, about Genesis 1 and 2. Sadly, even those who may agree with me on this topic, were short coming with their explinations on why, if taken literally, they are not in contradiction with each other.

I am here to clear up this errant thinking that Genesis 1 and 2 are contradictory as far as man being created after the beasts in Genesis 1, and then being "created" again, before the beasts, in Genesis 2. First thing to consider is the wording in the passages. Regardless of wether the words are synonymous or not, it is a fact that they are completely different words. Synonomus don't always mean the exact same meaning. As far as the actual definition of the words, we all know that words have changed meaning, or had definitions added on throughout history.

Take, for example, the word GAY. So, how are we going to figure out what definition of the words we are going to use? Read the entire passages, and see what they have to say. For arguments sake, we will use the Dictionary. AdminPD Posts Only. Thread moved here from the Proposed New Topics forum. The words in both GEnesis 1 and Genesis 2 , although translated differently, basically mean 'formed'.

That includes man, and also the heavens and the earth. In Genesis 1, God looked over the water chaos , and seperated it into order heavens and earth. It wasn't until more modern times that the concept of 'God creating the universe' came about. This was not the ancient Hebrews concept though. Coragyps Posts Only. Was the Bible written in English in ? I always thought that was a translation from earlier texts. Why are you putting any emphasis at all on what words a bunch of Church of England guys chose for their version?

It is true that a dictionary would be necessary to get the exact meaning of the words at the time of the KJV Bible being written, but I don't have one on hand. Any older definitions of the words are welcome, however it doesn't change the fact that they are still two distinctly different words. Why am I using this English translation of the Bible? This is because it is a literal Bible that is being attacked.

You have to take into consideration that people who believe in a literal Bible believe the English Bible translations to be the preserved word of God.

So, any attack on a literal Bible can be aimed at the KJV Bible, and any response can be made with it likewise. Member Rating: 5. Faith Posts Only. Why would would the KJV bible be relavent at all?? When you consider that God has the ability to take matter and form it into other things, like a human being, then you should be struck by the incredible ability of God to form basic elements and molecules into incredibly complex information structures found in DNA that make life possible.

Indeed, Yahweh is a wondrous God whose power, wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, and abilities can be clearly seen in the universe and in the creation of life. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you have any issues, please call the office at or email us at info carm. Who is the Son of God? This question can be taken in two different ways. One might already have in mind a clear In order to answer the question, "Do animals have souls?

But, to give Yes, God is a God of love. He is also a God of justice, a God of wrath, a holy and righteous God, and many other Search for:. I made the point in another thread that if existence precedes essence existentialism , it is the condition of existence that defines the nature of reality things that have existence and not the other way around.

This is to say that if the universe is rational reasonable and sensible , it is reasonable to assume the condition of existence is rational able to think clearly and sensibly. It has been said by some theologians that God does not exist; God is existence. This idea that essence and existence are the same in God is more formally referred to as the Aesity of God. So, was the universe created? Yes, but not by a supernatural entity who magically creates whatever comes to mind. Rather, Creatorship is the aggregate of God's existences's acting nature.

Post: 6. If it looks like it's a duck, maybe it's the shadow of something completely different that I'm seeing from an angle that makes it look like a duck. Post: 7. I for one, do not! I would assume that it had purposely been made that way.. Of course, it's possible that it might just look that way by chance, but reason tells us that it's highly unlikely And that's just one rock..

What makes the most logical sense? I assume that you agree with me and kaleb , that it's intuitive to assume that these rocks were made by somebody, so why assume that we, ourselves, are just an accident or we are designed by blind purposeless chance?? The truth is yes , without a doubt!

To say otherwise, such as " as we have no proof, it's likely nothing made us ", is sheer lies! Post: 8. Not only does the word "CREATE" not necessarily mean something from nothing, but because it is logically impossible for something to be created from nothing, then to define the word "CREATE," as meaning to form something from nothing, means that there is no situation in which the word "Create" could be used.

Two hand fulls of nothing could never make or create something. No one could seriously believe that the universe was created from nothing. Perhaps there are many ruptures in the fourth dimensional membrane wall and many forming foetus's, which we perceive as universal bodies, or rather Galactic clusters, within the boundless cosmos, which universal bodies are falling in toward their separate invisible great abyss, the seemingly bottomless Black Holes, Into which each forming body will one day disappear.

Post: 9. If it is a continuous cycle, how come this is the first cycle? Post: Or it could be the shadow of a fourth dimensional seagull flying overhead looking for another post to crap on. The fact that man has believed for thousands of years that the universe is cyclic in different point in space and time, is born out by the teacings of the ancients who sat and contemplated the workings of the observable universal phenomena around them.

Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism.

And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence. Williams, Buddhism, pp.


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