You can find the Admin Username and Password printed on the sticker attached to the side, back or bottom of the modem. The modem sticker shows you TWO important sets of login credentials. How do you use each one? Admin Username and Admin Password: Used to log in to your modem settings portal. Select the Advanced Setup icon in the main menu. Follow the steps to edit the QoS settings. Depending on your modem, you may see slight differences in how the options appear.
Users of the C series modems , follow the instructions at the bottom of this page. If you have a Greenwave or a Zyxel C series modem, QoS will be enabled automatically when you create and apply at least one priority rule. To set QoS, follow the steps below.
Top Tools. Internet Speed Test. Where's My Technician? Service Appointment Manager. Modem Compatibility. Manage My Services. Heavy downloaders can ruin any network, so don't hesitate to use quality of service. Most home internet traffic these days is divided between desktops e.
In general, desktop traffic tends to be more important than the rest, so it should be prioritized. With quality of service, you can set certain devices as more important than others. It doesn't have to be the desktop PC -- if you want your smart TV to be the most important device in your house, you can set it that way.
Or if you want your tablet to be the least important device, that's possible too. Not all routers have quality of service, but most modern ones do.
However, if you're in the market for a new router, we consider it so important as to be an essential router feature you can't live without. In fact, if your router doesn't have it, we'd consider it enough of a reason to consider upgrading to a newer router. But not all quality of service is the same! Some routers market themselves as supporting "quality of service," but this can be somewhat deceptive because there are two kinds:.
When shopping for a router, make sure you get one that supports Bandwidth Control in addition to Wi-Fi Multimedia.
While Wi-Fi Multimedia isn't bad, it doesn't have the flexibility that makes quality of service so useful. We'd love to show you how to enable quality of service on your router, but every router model is different so universal step-by-step instructions are impossible.
Fortunately, these settings are pretty straightforward to find. WMM should be located under the Wireless section, and Quality of Service or Bandwidth Control usually has its own section that's often tucked behind an Advanced settings menu. After quality of service is set up, keep going by tweaking your router security settings.
Performance is important, but nothing trumps security! How are you going to use quality of service? What other router settings do you consider essential for everyday home networks? Let us know in the comments below! We hope you like the items we recommend and discuss! For example, most video conferencing apps require at least 2Mbps per screen. In reality, it likely uses more if you do that in Full HD or 4K. So, to be sure, give each screen an allotment of 25Mbps for download.
The upload pipe varies. So likely, you can only broadcast yourself at lower resolutions. Specifically, your connection should have less than ms millisecond and 30 ms in Ping and Jitter values , respectively, for VoIP to work well. Ideally, you want those numbers to be 15ms and 10ms, respectively. A typical residential broadband connection generally has those at less than 20ms. If you have the habit of moving around your large house, no router or system can make that work well. So no QoS can help, either.
By the way, the quality of a real-time communication application depends on both ends. The way you work with QoS varies depending on the routers. Generally, routers from the same vendor share the same interface or mobile app, and therefore the same way for users to customize their settings.
The web interface is always the best way to manage a router since it gives you in-depth access to all features and settings. And QoS is one of those advanced features. But some vendors, like Linksys, also allow for configuring this feature via the mobile app.
But I always prefer the web interface, and here are the general steps on how to configure your QoS:. This feature is almost always in the Advanced area of the interface.
In this case, enter the exact numbers or slightly lower ones. Some routers can figure out these numbers by themselves. Now, make sure you prioritize the QoS according to your needs. For this article, pick VoIP and video calls as your top priorities. So if you use your iPad for conference calls, make your iPad the one with the highest priority.
You need to understand both to make things work properly. This setting applies only to when you need your router to work well for Voice over IP. It only applies to specific situations, so consider this when you have Wi-Fi calling issues, like breaking up or crazy delays. In reality, it rarely works out as expected and often causes issues. In some instances, the router might restart. Now, your QoS is in effect.